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Dashboard of Edsembli | FIN Automated Purchasing Workflow

Improve Accuracy, Efficiency, and Cost

Apply the power of automation to every transaction

Modernize your accounting workflows with support for requisitions, vendor management, import/export, stock catalogues, and digital document attachments. Leverage analytics to identify bottlenecks and opportunities in your district’s financial operations.

Circular icon of a pencil drawing a bar chart

Simplify Processes

Effortlessly create new requisitions, purchase orders, and invoices.
Circular icon of a dollar coin with a repeat arrow circling around it

Streamline Approvals

Easily reroute transaction requests to new approvers or send back to their origin with a full audit trail.
Circular icon of a laptop with a chat box

Build Better Vendor Relationships

Automatically email vendors, import invoices, and approve payments to ensure the greatest discounts and strongest partnerships.

Core Features

Little girl in a classroom with her hand raised at her desk

No More Accounting Busywork

Stop Letting Outdated Processes Hold Back Your Finances

Free up your district’s accounting team by eliminating manual work from transactions, and improve accuracy through better documentation. Ensure jurisdictional compliance and improve strategic decision-making through order tracking and analytics.

  • Significantly reduce the time needed for order creation, approval, and fulfillment.
  • Securely upload and attach supporting documentation and vendor files.
  • Support further integration via Edsembli’s REST API.

Create a Better Purchase Process with Edsembli FIN

Reduce administrative burden, unlock new opportunities, and cut costs with a powerful automated order management tool. Book a demo today to learn more.

Explore the Edsembli Ecosystem

Edsembli | HRP

Human Resources & Payroll Software

Edsembli | FIN

Financial Management Software