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Modern teaching methods every teacher should know

Even before the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic that ushered in a new and critical era of remote and hybrid learning, the realm of the American school system has long since called for significant changes regarding how education is approached.

Almost a decade ago, the Pew Research Center released a report that indicated two-thirds of the U.S. public thought the system needed to be either majorly changed or completely rebuilt.

Thankfully, many educators have since begun to embrace a specialized range of modern teaching methods to enhance the quality of their learning environments, and Edsembli is proud to help provide them with the tools they need to make their efforts successful.

Read on to learn more about the best modern teaching methods that every educator should know, as well as their wide range of advantages.


What Exactly is Modern Teaching?

Modern teaching, in essence, is a particular teaching method that focuses on instructing students to improve their intellect by utilizing new and innovative ideas, as opposed to making them recite information memorized from a syllabus to pass a rigid examination. Modern teaching focuses on the entire learning process, rather than focusing strictly on the final result, and is dedicated to helping students build skills as part of a constructivist approach to learning.

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Why are Modern Teaching Methods Necessary?

Modern teaching methods are necessary because they help meet the educational needs of students in the contemporary era. It also focuses specifically on expanding their fundamental knowledge about the world and building critical thinking skills that will allow them to handle all kinds of challenges as they advance in their academic careers.


What are the Characteristics of Modern Teaching Methods?

Modern teaching methods feature several unique characteristics dedicated to helping support the growth of students’ intellectual capabilities and skills. Some of these primary characteristics include;

  • Learner-centered: Modern teaching methods are designed to focus on learners and keep them from being treated as denominators in classroom interactions, especially within the realm of basic science and technology (BST) curriculum. 
  • Task-Based or Activity-based: Modern teaching methods instruct students through activities and specialized tasks to broaden their education.
  • Resource-Based: Teachers utilizing modern teaching methods are often dedicated to nurturing the resourcefulness of their students by encouraging the use of different, helpful project materials. 
  • Interactive in Nature: One of the most vital characteristics of modern teaching methods is that tasks, projects, and problems are often interactive.
  • Peer Collaboration: Modern teaching methods don’t just encourage students to learn from educators but also from their peers. Peer collaboration ensures students receive all of the attention and feedback they need.

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Modern Teaching Methods You Need to be Familiar With

There are many modern teaching methods that educators can utilize within the classroom, but some of the most influential and popular methods include;

Collaborative Learning

Collaborative learning is a modern teaching method that promotes peer-to-peer interaction and teamwork to find solutions and effectively address complex problems. Not only does this help students improve their cooperation, but it also exposes them to different ideas and diverse opinions. Additionally, it offers students the opportunity to address misunderstandings and clarify misconceptions to reach more meaningful conclusions about the issues they encounter.

Spaced Learning

Spaced learning involves teachers repeating course material multiple times with 10-minute spaces (or breaks) in-between the lessons until students comprehend the topic in its entirety. These spaces are typically used as a chance for students to perform physical activities or practice mindfulness techniques, which help refresh their minds and prepare them for the next session of the same lesson. The spaced learning method helps increase students’ retention of information while also reducing their “forgetting curve.” 

Flipped Classroom

The flipped classroom technique of modern teaching involves having students study new material or content at home by themselves and then practice the material at school- essentially reversing the typical school-homework paradigm. This method allows students more time to grasp topics while ensuring they get the help they need in the classroom to have their questions answered.


Self-learning helps encourage students to follow their curiosity when learning new topics to help increase their motivation and reduce the amount of information they’re likely to forget. With this modern teaching method, educators should allow students to bring new ideas to the table to learn about and explore, which can help their brain develop the ability to work independently. 


Kids love games, and modern teaching methods can leverage that love to help create new and more effective educational environments where kids can learn and have fun at the same time. The gamification technique helps motivate students, gets them excited to learn, and provides them with a broad foundation of new skills that help develop their critical thinking abilities. 

VAK teaching – VAK learning styles 

Visual, audio, and kinesthetic (movement) teaching (AKA, the VAK teaching method) involves educating students through three of their primary sensory mediums to help them learn and retain critical information. This teaching method can be very beneficial since people typically learn through these three methods.

Crossover Learning

A slightly less common but still effective form of modern teaching is the crossover learning method, which is designed to engage students in innovative ways that bridge formal and informal learning settings effectively. The formal environment refers to the classroom, while informal environments can refer to places like museums, seminars, and after-school destinations where students can gain new information while also applying what they’ve learned in the classroom. 

Related: Better Data, Better Teaching: How a Data-Driven Culture Can Transform Education


What are the Advantages of Modern Teaching Methods?

ALT: child attending his online classroom 

Modern teaching methods provide students a wide range of advantages when utilized correctly by eager teachers. Some of the most important advantages that these methods can provide include;

  • Increase cognitive thinking skills
  • Help students develop their prefrontal cortex
  • Emphasize personal development
  • Allow for unique learning patterns
  • Provide application-based skill building
  • Empower students to engage with challenging concepts
  • Allow students to revise and review older concepts 


How can Edsembli help?

The American school system has long needed a new set of methods to help improve the quality of education it provides to its students. 

Thankfully, a transition towards using modern teaching methods can be a critical first step in this process. After all, your goal as an educator is to enhance the effectiveness of your lessons and provide students with the knowledge and skills they’ll need to obtain future academic and career success. In that case, the above teaching methods are something to consider implementing in your daily classroom routine.

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