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Terms of Service

Terms of Service - Canada

These General Terms Conditions govern the use of the Hosted Services and form part of the Services Agreement between you and Edsembli.

1. Definitions

“Affiliate” means any entity that directly or indirectly controls, is controlled by, or is under common control with, the subject entity, where “control” is the direct or indirect ownership or control of at least a majority of the voting rights in the entity, or otherwise the power to direct the management and policies of the entity. An entity is an Affiliate only so long as such control continues.

API” means our application programming interface for the Hosted Services, as updated from time to time at our discretion.

“Business Days” means any calendar day except for Saturday or Sunday or any statutory holiday observed in the Province of Ontario.

“Customer Data” means all data (including Personal Data), text, images, audio, video, photographs, non-Edsembli or third party applications, software, and other content and material, in any format, provided by you or any of your Users that is stored in, or run on or through, the Hosted Services.  The Hosted Services under these General Terms and Conditions, Edsembli software, other Edsembli products and services, and Edsembli intellectual property, and all derivative works thereof, do not fall within the meaning of the term “Customer Data.”  Customer Data includes any third party content that you bring into the Hosted Services by your use of the Hosted Services or any Edsembli-provided tools. 

“Documentation” means the online or written user guides, specifications, and manuals regarding the Hosted Services made available by Edsembli, and any updates thereto.

“Edsembli” means Edsembli Inc. or an Affiliate thereof.

“Edsembli Data” means the information on the Order, data about the configuration and use of the Hosted Services, Usage Data, the Documentation, and other information provided to you via login into the Hosted Services or otherwise by Edsembli in the course of performance under the Services Agreement, other than Customer Data.

“Effective Date” (i) of the Services Agreement means the date when the first Order is signed by both you and us; and (ii) of an Order means when the Order is signed by both you and us.

“Force Majeure” means an act of God (e.g., a natural disaster, accident, epidemic or pandemic) or another event outside of reasonable control of the party seeking excuse of performance (e.g., acts of war, terrorism, government authority or by another third party outside the party’s control).

FOSS” means Free and Open Source Software, which is any software that is subject to terms that, as a condition of use, copying modification or redistribution, require such software or derivative works thereof to be disclosed and/or distributed in source code form, to be licensed for purposes of making derivative works, or to be redistributed free of charge.

“Hosted Services” means the products and services ordered by you under an Order and made available online by Edsembli, including any associated offline or mobile components, but excluding Third-Party Services. The Hosted Services include any modifications, enhancements, updates, revisions and derivative works thereof.

“Intellectual Property Rights” means rights recognised by any jurisdiction with respect to intellectual work product, such as patent rights (including priority rights), design rights, copyrights (including moral rights), mask work rights, trade secret rights, trademarks, service marks, know-how and domain name rights.

“Objectionable Content” means content that infringes any applicable laws, regulations or third-party rights, and content which is obscene, indecent, pornographic, seditious, offensive, defamatory, threatening, liable to incite racial hatred, menacing, blasphemous, misleading, deceptive or in breach of any person’s Intellectual Property Rights.

“Official Student Count” means the number of students enrolled in an educational program in your organization, as such number is reported to the educational regulatory authority in your jurisdiction for the relevant school year. 

“Order” means an ordering document (such as an Order Quote) executed by you and us for subscription to Hosted Services and/or, if applicable, for the provision of professional services by us.

“Services Agreement” means: (i) these General Terms and Conditions; (ii) your Order(s); (iii) any Statement(s) of Work between you and us; (iv) any other agreements, policies or objectives referred to and incorporated by reference into these General Terms and Conditions, your Order(s) and any Statements(s) of Work between you and us; and (v) any attachments, exhibits and annexes hereto, or to an Order or Statement of Work.

“Statement of Work” means a statement of work between you and Edsembli for the provision of consulting or other professional services by Edsembli related to the Hosted Services.

“Third-Party Service” means any product (e.g. software, cloud services, or forms), tool (e.g. integration or development tools) or service (e.g. implementation, configuration, development or accounting) provided by a party other than Edsembli (a “Third-Party Provider”).

“Usage Data” means all data, except for Customer Data, resulting from User’s use of the Hosted Services, including, but not limited to metadata, performance metrics, and usage trends or volume.

“User” means a named individual authorized by you to use the Hosted Services and who has been supplied with user credentials for the Hosted Services by you or by us at your request.

“VAR” means valued added reseller.

“Virus” means a piece of code usually (but not necessarily) disguised as something else that causes some unexpected and, for the victim, usually undesirable, event and which is designed so that it may automatically spread to other computer users; the term “Virus” will also be deemed to include worms, cancelbots, trojan horses, harmful contaminants (whether self-replicating or not) and nuisance-causing or otherwise harmful applets.

“we”, “us” or “our” means Edsembli.

“you” or “your” means the person accepting the Services Agreement, provided that if such acceptance is on behalf of a company or other legal entity then: (i) the signatory represents that he/she has the authority to bind such entity to the terms of the Services Agreement; (ii) “you” and “your” refers to such entity; and (iii) you may be referred to as “Company” in Orders.

Other capitalized terms have the respective meanings given to them elsewhere in the Services Agreement.

2. Usage Rights

2.1. Access to the Hosted Services. Subject to the terms and conditions of the Services Agreement and your payment of all applicable fees, we grant you a limited-term, non-exclusive, non-sublicensable, non-transferable (except as expressly permitted herein), revocable right to access and use the Hosted Services specified in your Order(s) solely for your internal business purposes.

2.2. User Subscriptions. Unless otherwise noted on an Order, Hosted Services are purchased as time-based subscriptions. Each User must have a valid subscription for the Hosted Services.  User subscriptions are for named Users and cannot be shared with other person(s) but may be reassigned to new named Users from Users who cease using the Hosted Services.  We reserve the right to monitor your use of the Hosted Services to effect the Services Agreement and/or verify compliance with any subscription limits and the Services Agreement.

2.3. Your Responsibilities. You are responsible for: (i) the confidentiality of User access credentials that are in your possession or control; (ii) setting up appropriate internal roles, permissions, policies and procedures for the safe and secure use of the Hosted Services; (iii) the activity of your Users in the Hosted Services; and (iv) your Users’ compliance with the Services Agreement and the Documentation. You must notify us promptly if you become aware, or reasonably suspect, that your account’s security has been compromised.

2.4. Restrictions. Except as expressly authorized by us prior to each instance, you shall not: (i) provide the Hosted Services to any other than your Users, use the Hosted Services as a service bureau, or otherwise violate or circumvent any use limitations or restrictions set forth in an Order, the Service or the Documentation; (ii) derive the source code or use tools to observe the internal operation of, or scan, probe or penetrate, the Hosted Services; (iii) copy, modify or make derivative works of the Hosted Services; (iv) remove any proprietary markings or notices from any materials provided to you by us; (v) frame or mirror the Hosted Services or any part thereof; or (vi) use the Hosted Services: (a) to send spam, duplicative, or unsolicited messages in violation of applicable laws or regulations; (b) to store sensitive data such as bank account data, social security (or equivalent) numbers and credit card data outside of the designated fields therefor; (c) to send or store material that violates the rights of a third party; (d) to send or store material containing viruses, worms, Trojan horses or other harmful computer code, files, scripts, agents or programs; or (e) for any other illegal or unlawful purpose. You may not knowingly facilitate or aid a third party in any of the foregoing activities.

3. Availability and Support

3.1. Availability. We will use commercially reasonable efforts to maintain availability of the Hosted Services 24 hours a day, 7 days per week, subject to planned maintenance, Force Majeure events, and the terms of the Services Agreement. We will endeavour to schedule planned maintenance affecting the availability of the Hosted Services at non-peak times, and you will receive reasonable advance notice (which may be posted within the Hosted Services or otherwise) of such planned maintenance. We will use commercially reasonable efforts to notify you as soon as reasonably practical of any unplanned downtime of the Hosted Services and resolve the issue as soon as practical.  The relevant service level objectives for the Hosted Services are available at https://www.edembli.com/contracts/slo

3.2. Changes. In the event that your use of the Hosted Services interferes with or disrupts the integrity, security, availability or performance of the Hosted Services, we may modify or temporarily restrict or suspend your use of the Hosted Services. We may, at any time, with or without notice to you: (i) make changes that are necessary to comply with applicable safety, security or other statutory requirements or orders from appliable Governmental Authorities; (ii) supplement or make changes to the Documentation and to the rules of operations, access procedures, security and privacy procedures and policies for the Hosted Services; and (iii) change the components, type and location of the Hosted Services.  The parties will cooperate in good faith to resolve the issue as soon as reasonably possible.

3.3. Technical Support. Your Users who have undergone training for users of the Hosted Services will receive technical support for the Hosted Services and/or upgraded support in accordance with the terms of the Order. Technical support may, at our discretion, include on-line help, FAQs, training guides and templates and the use of email, chat or live help. We are not obligated to maintain or support any customization to the Hosted Services or any Third-Party Service, even if sold by us, except under a separate agreement signed by the parties.  The relevant technical support policies are available at https://edsembli.wpengine.com/contracts/support 

3.4. Professional Services. We may also provide professional services, such as implementation, training or consulting. Any such services are outside the scope of the Hosted Services and require a Statement of Work or a separate written agreement between the parties.

4. Fees and Payment

4.1. Fees. Unless otherwise stated in the Services Agreement, our fees will be based on the Official Student Count.  Fees are in respect of Canadian currency. From time to time, we may change our fees. You will be notified at least 30 days in advance before we apply any fee changes to your Hosted Services subscriptions. Unless otherwise set forth in an Order, such changes will not affect the prices for Hosted Services during the then-current subscription term and will become effective upon your next renewal term that commences at least 30 days after our notification of the fee change.

4.2. Add-Ons. If, during a then-current subscription term: (i) you add additional volume or licenses to items that you are already subscribed to, such increased subscriptions will be billed at a prorated amount at the price of the underlying preexisting subscription; and (ii) you add new subscriptions to items that you are not already subscribed to, such items will be billed at a prorated amount at the then-current list price.

4.3. Billing and Contact Information. You agree to provide us with complete and accurate billing and contact information, including a specific technical contact if applicable, for your account with us and shall promptly notify us of any change thereto.

4.4 Taxes. All fees are exclusive of all applicable taxes, levies, and duties, and you shall be responsible for their payment, excluding taxes on our net income. If we are obligated to collect applicable taxes, we will include them on our invoice to you, and you will pay all such amounts to us unless you provide us with a valid tax exemption certificate on a timely basis. Each party will timely provide the other with any documents and information as may be required under, or to comply with, applicable tax laws and regulations.

4.5. Late Payment; Non-Payment. If we do not receive any fees you owe us by the due date specified on your Invoice, those fees shall accrue interest at the lower of 1.5% per month or the maximum rate permitted by law. Non-payment of any fees for the Hosted Services (whether owed to Edsembli or to a VAR) or of any other amounts due by you to us is a material breach of the Services Agreement.

5. Proprietary Rights

5.1 Hosted Services. Subject to the limited rights expressly granted hereunder, as between the parties Edsembli shall own all rights, title and interest, including all Intellectual Property Rights, in and to the Hosted Services (including any configurations and customizations thereof), Edsembli Data and the results of consulting and other professional services performed by Edsembli or on its behalf. All rights not expressly granted in the Services Agreement are reserved by Edsembli.

5.2. Customer Data. Subject to the limited rights expressly granted hereunder, as between the parties you own all rights, title and interest, including all Intellectual Property Rights, in and to Customer Data. You grant Edsembli and its subcontractors a worldwide, royalty-free, non-exclusive license to host, copy, transmit, display and use the Customer Data to provide, administer and ensure the proper operation of the Hosted Services and related systems and to perform our rights and obligations under the Services Agreement.  You acknowledge that Edsembli: (i) will not be responsible for the accuracy, completeness or adequacy of any Customer Data or the results generated from any Customer Data uploaded to and processed by the Hosted Services; (ii) has no control over any Customer Data or the results therefrom; and (iii) does not purport to monitor the Customer Data.  We acknowledge that Customer Data shall only be stored, transferred or processed within Canada. 

5.3. Feedback. You may, but are not required to, provide Edsembli, its VARs or subcontractors with ideas, suggestions, requests, recommendations or feedback about the Hosted Services (“Feedback”). If you do so, you grant Edsembli a non-exclusive, worldwide, perpetual, irrevocable license to use, reproduce, incorporate, disclose, and sublicense the Feedback for any purpose.

5.4. Data Analytics; Product Development. Edsembli may collect Usage Data. Edsembli may use Usage Data for its legitimate business purposes, provided that, except to provide the Hosted Services, to assist with the administration of Third-Party Services subscribed by you, or as required by law, any external disclosure or use of Usage Data by Edsembli will be in an aggregated form that does not identify or otherwise permit the identification of you, any Users or other persons, unless you consent otherwise or initiate the sharing of Usage Data yourself. In addition, Edsembli may use Customer Data internally for product research, development and innovation, provided that, unless otherwise agreed, personal data contained in Customer Data in an unredacted form shall only be used to provide the Hosted Services or customer support or as required to meet our obligations under section 9.3.

6. Confidentiality and Data Security

6.1. Confidential Information. “Confidential Information” means all information of a party or its Affiliates (“Discloser“) disclosed to the other party or its Affiliates (“Recipient“), whether orally or in writing, that is designated as confidential or that reasonably should be understood to be confidential given the nature of the information and the circumstances of disclosure. The Hosted Services and Edsembli Data are our Confidential Information. Customer Data is your Confidential Information.

6.2. Exceptions. Confidential Information excludes: (i) information that was known to the Recipient without a confidentiality restriction prior to its disclosure by the Discloser; (ii) information that was or becomes publicly known through no wrongful act of the Recipient; (iii) information that the Recipient rightfully received from a third party authorized to make such disclosure without restriction; (iv) information that has been independently developed by the Recipient without use of the Discloser’s Confidential Information; and (v) information that was authorised for release in writing by the Discloser.

6.3. Confidentiality Obligations. The Recipient will use the same degree of care and resources as it uses for its own confidential information of like nature (but no less than reasonable care) to protect the Discloser’s Confidential Information from any use or disclosure not permitted by the Services Agreement or authorized by the Discloser. The Recipient may disclose the Discloser’s Confidential Information to its employees, Affiliates and service providers who need access to such Confidential Information to effect the intent of the Services Agreement, provided that they are bound by confidentiality obligations no less restrictive than those herein. Recipient shall be responsible for any breach of this section by its employees, Affiliates and service providers.

6.4. Disclosure Required by Law. The Recipient may disclose Confidential Information to the extent required by court or administrative order or law, provided that the Recipient provides advance notice thereof (unless requested or ordered not to do so by law enforcement or a court) and reasonable assistance, at the Discloser’s cost, to enable the Discloser to seek a protective order or otherwise prevent or limit such disclosure.

6.5. Injunctive Relief. A breach of the Recipient’s confidentiality obligations may cause irreparable damage, which money cannot satisfactorily remedy, and therefore the Discloser may seek injunctive relief for any threatened or actual breach of section 6.3 without the need to prove damages or post a bond or other surety.

6.6. Data Security. We will maintain and enforce an information security program for the protection of Customer Data, including commercially reasonable administrative, physical, and technical measures designed to: (i) protect the confidentiality, availability and integrity of Customer Data; (ii) restore the availability of Customer Data in a timely manner in the event of a physical or technical incident; and (iii) ensure the proper disposal and destruction of Customer Data.  We will notify you, as required by applicable law, of any actual or reasonably suspected breach of security known to us that has resulted in, or creates a reasonable risk of, unauthorized access to Customer Data without undue delay, consistent with the legitimate needs of law enforcement and with any measures necessary to determine the scope of the breach and to restore the integrity of the Hosted Services.  In order to protect Customer Data provided to us as part of the provision of the Hosted Services, Edsembli will comply with the following agreements and polices:

6.7. Viruses.  If we, in our absolute discretion, form the view that any Customer Data or any other information or files uploaded by you or any of your Users contains or includes a Virus or is considered Objectionable Content, we may remove such Customer Data, information or file from the Hosted Services and take such other action as we deem necessary to protect the integrity and operation of the Hosted Services.  We have the right to charge you for any costs associated with such removal and shall notify you of such actions as soon as reasonably possible. 

6.8. Non-Edsembli Equipment. The Hosted Services are provided over the internet via networks only part of which are within our control. Our obligations in section 6.6 apply only to networks and equipment within our control, and we are not responsible for any delay, loss, interception, or alteration of Customer Data on a network or infrastructure outside of our control.

7. Third-Party Services

7.1. No Endorsement or Warranty. We may present to you, including on our websites, Third-Party Services. We do not endorse or make any representation, warranty or promise regarding, and do not assume any responsibility for, any such Third-Party Service or a Third-Party Provider, regardless of whether it is described as “authorized,” “certified”, “recommended” or the like and regardless of whether the Third-Party Service is included in your Order. You should review applicable terms and policies, including privacy and data gathering practices, and should make whatever investigation you feel necessary or appropriate before proceeding with any transaction with a Third-Party Provider or obtaining any Third-Party Service. We have no obligation to provide support for Third-Party Services and do not guarantee the initial or continuing interoperability of the Hosted Services with any Third-Party Services. If a Third-Party Provider ceases to make the Third-Party Services available for interoperation with any feature of the Hosted Services on reasonable terms, we may cease providing such feature without liability.

7.2. Data Sharing. If you obtain a Third-Party Service that requires access to or transfer of Customer Data, you acknowledge that any such access or transfer is between you and the Third-Party Provider pursuant to the Third-Party Provider’s own privacy notices and policies, and that we are authorized to provide the Customer Data as requested by the Third-Party Service. We are not responsible for any modification, loss, damage or deletion of Customer Data by any Third-Party Service obtained by you.

8. Term, Suspension and Termination

8.1. Term. All Hosted Services subscriptions specified in your initial Order will run for the subscription period set forth therein. If you add subscriptions after the beginning of a subscription period, their initial term will be the remainder of the then-current subscription period, unless otherwise set forth in the Order. All subscriptions will automatically renew for additional subscription periods of one year (or for such different renewal term as set forth in the renewal Order), unless either party gives the other party notice of non-renewal at least 30 days prior to the end of the relevant subscription period. This Services Agreement will remain in effect until all subscription periods have expired or the Services Agreement has been terminated as provided below.

8.2. Suspension for Delinquent Account. We reserve the right to suspend your and any of your Users’ access to and/or use of the Hosted Services if any payment is due but unpaid, but only after we have provided you with two (2) written delinquency notices, and at least thirty (30) days have passed since transmission of the first notice.  You agree that we shall not be liable to you, any Affiliate or other third party for any suspension of Hosted Services pursuant to this Section.  Written notices shall be delivered in accordance Section 13.14.

8.3. Suspension for Ongoing Harm.  We may with reasonably contemporaneous telephonic notice to you, suspend your access to the Hosted Services if we reasonably conclude that you or one of your Users are: (i) using the Hosted Services to engage in denial of service attacks, spamming, illegal activity; and/or (ii) your use of the Hosted Services is causing immediate, material and ongoing harm to us or others. In the event we suspend your access to the Hosted Services, we will use commercially reasonable efforts to limit the suspension to the offending portion of the Hosted Services and work with you to resolve the issues causing the suspension of the Hosted Services. You agree that we shall not be liable to you nor to any third party for any suspension of the Hosted Services under such circumstances as described in this Section. Any suspension under this section shall not excuse you from your obligations to make payments under the Services Agreement. 

8.4. Termination. Either party may terminate the Services Agreement: (i) by sending a notice of non-renewal as provided above; (ii) if the other party has materially breached the Services Agreement, upon written notice to the breaching party of the breach and, if such breach is curable, an opportunity to cure of at least 30 days; or (iii) upon written notice to the other party if the other party becomes the subject of a petition in bankruptcy or another proceeding relating to insolvency, receivership, liquidation or assignment for the benefit of creditors.  Written notices by the complaining party relating to a material breach of the Services Agreement shall expressly state all of the reasons for the claimed breach in sufficient detail so as to provide the alleged breaching party a meaningful opportunity to cure such alleged breach.  Written notices shall be delivered in accordance Section 13.14.

8.5. Effect of Termination. On expiration or termination of the Services Agreement: (i) all applicable User licences and other rights granted to you will immediately terminate; (ii) a party’s rights, remedies, obligations (including payment obligations) and liabilities that have accrued up to the date of termination shall not be affected; (iii) if you terminate the Services Agreement for any reason other than a termination expressly permitted by the Services Agreement, then we shall be entitled to all of the fees due under the Services Agreement for the entire term; (iv) if the Services Agreement is terminated as a result of our material breach of the Services Agreement, then you shall be entitled to a refund of the pro-rata portion of any subscription fees you paid to us under the Services Agreement for the terminated portion of the term; and (v) subject to section 8.7, Recipient shall, at the request of Discloser, delete or destroy Discloser’s Confidential Information in its possession or control.  Notwithstanding the foregoing, Recipient may retain Discloser’s Confidential Information: (a) to the extent required by law or governmental authority; or (b) that is automatically stored in accordance with Recipient’s generally applicable backup policies (“Backup Media”). All Backup Media shall remain subject to the confidentiality obligations set forth herein, notwithstanding the expiration or termination of the Services Agreement, so long as it remains undeleted.

8.6. Survival. Sections 1, 5, 6, 8, 10, 11 and 13 will survive any expiration or termination of the Services Agreement.

8.7. Access to Customer Data. Customer Data may be exported at any time during the term of the Services Agreement. We will not delete Customer Data from our production environment for up to 90 days after termination or expiration of the Services Agreement and may assist you with exporting Customer Data during such period at our standard hourly consulting rate. After that 90-day period, we will have the right to delete all Customer Data and will have no further obligation to make it available to you. Should you desire longer storage of Customer Data, paid archival services may be available.

9. Warranties

9.1. Authority. Each party represents to the other that it has the authority to enter into the Services Agreement, to carry out its obligations under it, and to give the rights and licenses granted herein.

9.2. Our Warranties. We warrant that: (i) the Hosted Services will perform materially in accordance with the Documentation; (ii) we will not decrease the material functionality of the Hosted Services during a current subscription term; and (iii) we will perform any professional services in a workmanlike manner and in accordance with industry standards.

9.3. Remedies. If you notify us in writing that the Hosted Services do not conform with any of the warranties in section 9.2, we will use commercially reasonable efforts to investigate and correct any such non-conformance promptly. You will use commercially reasonable efforts to mitigate any damage as a result of such non-conformance. Subject to your right to terminate the Services Agreement for cause, this section 9.3 and any applicable uptime guarantees and credits in your Order constitute your sole and exclusive remedy for breach of the warranties in section 9.2.


10. Indemnification

10.1. Our Indemnification. Subject to section 10.3, we will indemnify and hold you and your Affiliates, officers, directors, employees, and agents harmless from and against any and all costs, damages, losses, liabilities and expenses, which by final judgement or settlement, may be assessed against you, including reasonable attorneys’ fees and costs (collectively, the “Damages”) arising out of a third-party claim alleging that the Hosted Services infringe or misappropriate the Intellectual Property Rights of a third party, except to the extent that the alleged infringement is based on: (a) a customization or modification of the Hosted Services at your direction or by anyone other than us; (b) use of the Hosted Services in combination with any service, software, hardware, network or system not supplied by us, if the alleged infringement relates to such combination; or (c) use of the Hosted Services in a manner contrary to our written instructions or the Documentation. If the Hosted Services infringe, or we reasonably believe they may infringe, Intellectual Property Rights, we may, at our own expense and option: (i) procure the right for you to continue use of such Hosted Services; (ii) modify such Hosted Services so that they become non-infringing without material loss of functionality; or (iii) if (i) and (ii) are not feasible, terminate the Services Agreement and refund you a pro-rata portion of any prepaid and unused fees for the Hosted Services.

10.2. Indemnification by You. Subject to section 10.3, you will indemnify and hold us and our Affiliates, officers, directors, employees, and agents harmless from and against any and all Damages to the extent arising out of a third-party claim alleging that your collection or use of Customer Data or your use of the Hosted Services in breach of the Services Agreement infringes the rights of, or has caused harm to, a third party, or violates applicable law.

10.3. Indemnification Procedure. In the event of a potential indemnity obligation under this section 10, the indemnified party shall provide to the indemnifying party: (i) prompt written notice of the claim or a known threatened claim, such that the indemnifying party’s ability to defend the claim is not prejudiced; and (ii) control of, and reasonable assistance in, the defence and settlement of the claim, at the indemnifying party’s expense. Without the prior written consent of the indemnified party, the indemnifying party shall not settle or consent to an adverse judgment in any such claim that adversely affects the rights or interests of, or imposes additional obligations on, the indemnified party.

10.4. Exclusive Remedy. The indemnification obligations set forth above represent the sole and exclusive liability of the indemnifying party and the exclusive remedy of the indemnified party for any third-party claim described in this section.

11. Limitation of Liability


11.2. Scope. The exclusions and limitations above apply to all causes of action, whether arising from breach of contract, tort, breach of statutory duty or otherwise, even if such loss was reasonably foreseeable or if one party had advised the other of the possibility of such loss, provided that nothing in the Services Agreement shall limit or exclude any liability which cannot be excluded or limited as a matter of law. The allocation of risk in the Services Agreement is reflected in the level of fees payable hereunder. A party may not circumvent the limitations of liability herein or receive multiple recovery under the Services Agreement by bringing separate claims or claims on behalf of its Affiliates.

12. Dispute Resolution

12.1. Discussions.  Each party agrees to utilize all reasonable efforts to resolve any dispute, whether arising during the term of the Services Agreement or at any time after the expiration of termination of the Services Agreement, which touches upon the validity, construction, meaning, performance or affect the Services Agreement or the rights and liabilities of the parties or any matter arising out of or connected with the Services Agreement, promptly and in an amicable and good faith manner by negotiations between the parties.

12.2. Mediation.  Either party may submit a dispute to mediation by providing written notice to the other party. In the mediation process, the parties will try to resolve their differences voluntarily with the aid of a single, impartial mediator, who shall attempt to facilitate negotiations. The mediator shall be selected by agreement of the parties. If the parties cannot otherwise agree on a mediator within five (5) Business Days, a single mediator shall be designated by the ADR Institute of Canada, Inc. or any successor organization (“ADR”) at the request of a party. Any mediator so designated must not have a conflict of interest with respect to any party. The mediation shall be conducted as specified by the mediator and agreed upon by the parties. The parties agree to discuss their differences in good faith and to attempt, with the assistance of the mediator, to reach an amicable resolution of the dispute. The mediation shall be treated as a settlement discussion and therefore shall be confidential. The mediator may not testify for either party in any later proceeding relating to the dispute. No recording or transcript shall be made of the mediation proceedings. Each party shall bear its own costs and legal fees in the mediation. The parties shall share the fees and expenses of the mediator equally.

12.3. Arbitration. Subject to paragraph 12.4, any dispute that has proceeded through mediation established in paragraph 12.2 without resolution may be submitted to arbitration. Any arbitration conducted pursuant to the Services Agreement shall take place in the City of Toronto. The costs of the arbitration shall be borne equally by the parties or as may be specified in the arbitrator’s decision. The provisions of Ontario’s Arbitration Act, S.O. 1991, c. 17, as amended, except as otherwise provided in the Services Agreement, shall govern the arbitration process. The parties agree to exclude the appeal provisions of the Arbitration Act, as may be amended from time to time, and in particular, s. 45 thereof. The determination arising out of the arbitration process shall be final and binding upon the parties to the arbitration.

12.4. Exceptions to Arbitration.  The following matters shall be excluded from arbitration under the Services Agreement: (i) any disputes involving third-parties; (ii) breach of confidentiality by either party; and (iii) intellectual property claims, whether initiated by third-parties or by one of the parties to the Services Agreement.

13. General Provisions

13.1. Unfair Competition. You may not use the Hosted Services or any materials provided by us to build a competitive product or service or to benchmark with a non-Edsembli product or service.

13.2. Assignment. Neither party may assign any rights or obligations under the Services Agreement without the other party’s prior written consent, except that a party may assign the Services Agreement in its entirety in connection with a merger, acquisition, spin-off, corporate reorganization or restructuring, or sale of substantially all of its assets. Any attempted assignment in breach of the Services Agreement shall be void.

13.3. Remedies Not Exclusive. Except as expressly set forth herein, any remedy in the Services Agreement is not exclusive of any other available remedy.

13.4. Third Party Beneficiaries. Certain of the Hosted Services may be provided by our Affiliates. In such case, each such Affiliate shall be a third-party beneficiary of the Services Agreement to the extent of such Hosted Services. Except as expressly set out in the Services Agreement, a person who is not a party to the Services Agreement will have no rights to enforce it.

13.5. Entire Agreement. The Services Agreement constitutes the entire agreement between the parties regarding its subject matter and supersedes all prior or contemporaneous written and oral agreements, negotiations and discussions between the parties regarding the subject matter herein. The parties acknowledge that in entering onto this Services Agreement they have not relied on and will have no rights or remedies in respect of any statement, representation, assurance or warranty other than as expressly set out in this Services Agreement. Nothing shall limit or exclude either party’s liability for fraud.

13.6. Severability. If any provision of this Services Agreement shall, for any reason, by a court of competent jurisdiction, be held to be invalid, illegal or unenforceable, then to the extent possible such provision shall be construed as if such invalid, illegal or unenforceable provision (or portion of a provision) had never been contained herein in regards to that particular jurisdiction.

13.7. No Partnership or Agency. Each party is an independent contractor, and neither party has any authority to act on behalf of the other. Neither party will represent itself as agent, servant, franchisee, joint venture or legal partner of the other. We are entering into this Services Agreement as principal and not as agent for any other Edsembli company, and claims under this Services Agreement may be brought only against us and not against any of our Affiliates.

13.8. Waiver. A party’s failure or delay to exercise any right under this Services Agreement will not act as a waiver of such right. Rights may only be waived in writing signed by the waiving party.

13.9. Force Majeure. Notwithstanding any provision contained in the Services Agreement, neither party will be liable to the other to the extent performance of any obligations under the Services Agreement is delayed or prevented by a Force Majeure event.

13.10. Order of Precedence. In the event of any express conflict or inconsistency, the order of precedence shall be: (i) your Order; (ii) these terms (including any annexes or exhibits hereto); and (iii) the Documentation.

13.11. Updates. From time to time, we may amend these terms. We will notify you of any material changes by promptly sending an email or posting a notice in the Hosted Services. By continuing to access or use the Hosted Services after such notice, you are indicating that you agree to be bound by the modified terms. Notwithstanding the foregoing, if the changes have a material adverse impact on and are not acceptable to you, then you must notify us within 30 days after receiving notice of the change. If we cannot accommodate your objection, then the prior terms shall remain in force until the expiration of your then-current subscription period. Any renewed subscription will be governed by our then-current terms.

13.12. No Publicity. Subject to any requirements by court, administrative order or law, neither party shall make any public statement about this Services Agreement or the relationship of the parties governed by this Services Agreement that identifies the other party without the other party’s prior written consent, except that while you are a customer, Edsembli may use your name and logo in its customer list in a manner that does not suggest endorsement.

13.13. Governing Law; Dispute Resolution.  This Services Agreement shall be governed by, and construed and enforced in accordance with, the laws in force in the Province of Ontario (excluding any conflict of laws rule or principle which might refer such construction to the laws of another jurisdiction). The parties hereto agree to submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of the Province of Ontario and waive any objection relating to improper venue or forum non conveniens to the conduct of any proceeding in any such court.

13.14. Notices. Except as otherwise specified in this Services Agreement, any notice required under this Services Agreement will be in writing and sent by pre-paid mail, courier service or email to the contact address or email last provided in writing to the notifying party by the notified party. Any notice will be deemed received: (i) if sent by pre-paid mail, 48 hours after posting; (ii) if sent by courier, on the next business day; or (iii) if sent by email, at 9 a.m. recipient’s local time on the next business day after the email is sent, or earlier if the intended recipient has confirmed receipt either expressly or by conduct.

13.15. Interpretation. Headings are for convenience only and may not be used in interpretation. The words “such as” and “including” do not signify limitation.  The parties acknowledge that they have reviewed and participated in settling the terms of this Services Agreement and they agree that any rule of construction to the effect that any ambiguity is to be resolved against the drafting party is not applicable in interpreting this Services Agreement.

14. Additional Terms

14.1. API.  You are responsible for protecting the confidentiality of any API access credentials in your possession or control. You may not share your API access credentials or otherwise act to circumvent any account limitations or restrictions.  In using the API, you agree to protect the privacy and legal rights of Users and third parties. 

14.2. API Representations and Warranties.  You represent and warrant that your use of the API: (i) will comply with all applicable laws (including export laws) and regulations; (ii) will not contain any virus, malware, or spyware; (iii) will not violate the terms of this Services Agreement or any policies established by us for the operation of interoperable applications; (iv) will not adversely impact the speed, security or integrity of the Hosted Services; (v) will not circumvent or render ineffective our technological and other measures to secure, protect and control the Hosted Services; and (vi) will not use any FOSS in a way that would cause the non-FOSS portions of the Hosted Services to be subject to any FOSS licensing terms or obligations.  Any breach of sections 14.1 and 14.2 is a material breach of the Services Agreement.

14.3. Monitoring of API.  We may monitor use of the API for any reason, including quality assurance, improvement of the Hosted Services, and verification of compliance with this Services Agreement.  If you use the API to grant access to or export Customer Data from the Hosted Services, we are not responsible for any use or misuse of Customer Data obtained through the API.

14.4. Downloadable Components. The operation of certain modules of the Hosted Services requires the use of downloadable software components designed to be installed on desktop or mobile devices (“Downloadable Components“). The Downloadable Components are part of the “Hosted Services” under the Services Agreement. Users may need to expressly opt into the use of certain Downloadable Components; in such cases, the operation of the Hosted Services which require such Downloadable Components is contingent on such opt-in by Users. We are not responsible for lack of use of the Hosted Services due to User refusal to install the Downloadable Components, lack of User opt-in (where required), or User opt-out (where enabled). Conditioned upon your compliance with the terms and conditions of the Services Agreement, we grant you the following limited, non-exclusive, non-transferable (except as expressly provided herein), royalty-free, revocable license: your authorized Users may download, install and run on supported devices the executable form of the Downloadable Components for purposes of using the Hosted Services’ modules which utilize the Downloadable Components and for which you have subscribed. In addition to the restrictions of the Services Agreement regarding the Hosted Services, you may not translate, disassemble, decompile, decrypt, or reverse engineer the Downloadable Components, or authorize or knowingly permit a third party to do any of the foregoing, except to the extent such activities are expressly permitted by law notwithstanding this prohibition or by licensing terms governing use of open-source components included with the Downloadable Components. We may, from time to time, update the Downloadable Components. The Downloadable Components and all copies thereof are licensed and not sold, and are protected by applicable law, including Canadian and foreign copyright laws and international treaties. The licenses in this Section shall terminate at the earlier of the termination or expiration of the Services Agreement or the termination or expiration of your subscription to the Hosted Services’ module(s) which utilize the Downloadable Components. Upon license termination, you must cease all use of the Downloadable Components and promptly delete all copies, full or partial, thereof that are in your Users’ possession or control. Any service level agreement shall not apply to the Downloadable Components and to the operation of the Hosted Services’ module(s) dependent, in whole or in part, on the Downloadable Components.

14.5. Special Product Terms. Certain Hosted Services or modules may be governed by additional terms. When agreed by you, such terms will become part of this Services Agreement. 

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